A step closer
to knowing
With Ariston Psychometric Tests
The ARISTON series of psychometric questionnaires generate personalised reports with detailed information and quantified personality traits, aptitudes, abilities and talents with the aim to help the individual experience self-awareness, otherwise the “know thyself” of Socrates, becoming in effect a better person.
The underlying software is a specially designed Expert System that utilises Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, knowledge regarding the traits of the human brain, advanced psychometric models, and mathematical – statistical – ranking techniques, in order to analyse the personality of an individual. Besides, the series incorporate 10 different reliability – validity truth scores. Indicative questionnaires include: a) vocational and career counselling, retrieving specific specialisations – professions that match with the personality of the individual out of a database of over 2000 entries, b) talent diagnosis, c) leadership, d) aptitudes – abilities, e) learning styles, f) learning difficulties, g) personnel assessment&selection, h) personnel development, i) performance appraisal, j) management skills, k) employee counselling, l) human engineering, m) productivity analysis, n) administrative skills, o) public relations, p) psychological assessment and support of individuals, q) analysis of psychopathologic traits, etc.
The methodology adopted by the ARISTON Series is based on research work that started back in the early 70’s, as well as on projects funded by the European Union, and the Greek Ministry of Development (Innovatory Programs). The reliability – validity of the ARISTON Series has been published in International Journals and Conference Proceedings.
Psychometric Tests
Research into psychometrics and human resources management has produced significant results during the last decades, particularly with the advent of information technology and software engineering.
The need for personal development and self-improvement prove the necessity of proper analysis of personality through artificial intelligence – expert systems software.
We organise special training courses for professionals who wish to become certified Counsellorsin a battery of the ARISTON series.